These are games that I created with the Unity Game engine for a games development course or as personal projects in other engines.
Note: Depending on the game, some games can take a long time to load due to the size of assets.
Dreaming of a Hopeful Death (2023)
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With a story based on my novel of the same name and images generated by OpenAI Dall-E, embark on a surreal and inhuman experience that shows how the lines between the individual and the group, the lines between human and inhuman, and the lines between the temporary and the permanent begin to become blurred.
Rebel Knight (2016)
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An endless-runner type game, taking a lot of inspiration from the running stages of Platinum Games's The Legend of Korra videogame.
Switcheroo (2016)
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A fast paced platformer where you can switch places with anything on the map. Use this mechanic to make it to the goal in time.
Commuter North (2016)
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A walking simulator that places you in an invisible maze. Move from point A to point B while trying to navigate through the fog.
Note: This game was created with an older version of unity, and as a result, some of the effects like the fog do not render properly on Web.